Master of Science in Curriculum & Instruction with Teacher Certification in Elementary Education
Our post-baccalaureate MDE approved teacher preparation program lets you earn your Teacher Certification and MSCI in a collaborative online format.
Earn a master's in education and a Michigan teacher certificate for the elementary grades in an online program
Concordia's Teacher Certification Program is the perfect fit for those who currently hold a bachelor’s degree in any subject area but wish to move into the world of education. Our collaborative program allows you to earn both a master’s degree and Teacher Certification online through convenient eight-week, self-paced courses.
All courses offered 100% online and at your own pace.
Eight week cohorts begin every: July, August, October, January, March, and May.
Questions? We’re here to help
Our team is available to help you as you consider the next step in your education.
Get answers to your questions
Our team is standing by to assist you with additional program details, financial aid options, and admissions questions.
Informational webinar is now available!
Click here to view the MSCI with Teacher Certification Webinar.
Interested in a shift in your career? Concordia's teacher certification program allows you to earn your Teacher Certification in elementary education. Our flexible post-baccalaureate program makes it so you can continue working while completing your coursework, with the flexibility to complete student teaching at a school local to you. Combining your teaching certification with a master's in curriculum instruction (MSCI) can set you apart in the field, with an added bonus of being eligible for financial aid!
Certification options
Candidates can choose to earn an elementary certification in the following grade bands:
- PreK - 3rd grade (Lower)
- 3rd - 6th grade (Upper)
You may also choose to earn certification in both grade bands by taking an additional Methods and Literacy course (6 additional credits).
Endorsements in English as a Second Language (ESL) and Special Education Learning Disabilities (LD) are also available to be added on to your Elementary certification. Both of these endorsements are K-12. Special Education LD requires 30 additional credits of course work. ESL endorsement does not require addiitonal credits.
Candidates complete a 30-credit education sequence which allows them to teach at the elementary level while earning a Master’s of Science in Curriculum and Instruction. Courses are offered entirely online and credit can be given for previously completed education courses at the graduate level. You will be equipped to teach in PK-Grade 3 or Grades 3-6 in both the private and public sectors.
Courtney Slucter, MSCI Student
You’ll also learn how to design and use teaching methods in your content area that will make a meaningful impact in the classroom. Our Teaching Certificate Program takes a faith-based approach, which means you will bring faith and learning together in a meaningful way for your students. You will not only graduate equipped to plan lessons, but you will also learn how to build relationships to manage a classroom, use technology and best practices to engage in effective teaching, and be an educator dedicated to service in the classroom, church, and community.
What our current students have to say
I have grown both personally and professionally in this program because I have learned to make my decisions from a place of love. I try to provide a firm but loving environment where students feel safe and can thrive. Before, I would have focused more on the academic growth of the students, but this program has taught me the importance of building relationships. Now, my focus is more on loving the students, being supportive and creating an environment where they can flourish and spread their wings. I’m honored to get to encourage students each and every day!
Rachel Krieg / MSCI with Secondary Teacher Certification -
I have grown personally in this program by gaining new perspectives on life and education from my classmates. Some of the things that my classmates have posted/created have challenged me to evaluate my teaching philosophy and outlook on life. Throughout this program, I have gained new perspectives and a greater appreciation for different styles of teaching. Without this program, I would not have been exposed to all of these new thoughts and ideas that have made me a better educator and a better person.
Colton Ritsema / MSCI with Secondary Teacher Certification -
The Masters of Science in Curriculum and Instruction program at Concordia has been a perfect fit for me. First and foremost, it is Christ centered. It has fit perfectly into my life as a beginning teacher helping to support me on my way to earning a teaching degree. I have used so much of what I have learned in my own classroom, often times the next day! I am grateful and thankful that God opened doors for me to pursue my education degree at Concordia.
Kimberly Miller / MSCI with Secondary Teacher Certification -
What makes this program unique for me is that the assignments aren't just read this and answer these questions. Then, study the materials and take an exam. In these classes, we are shown tools and then we have to expand our thinking into what those tools look like when applied to a classroom setting. I don’t feel like you can “fake it til you make it” in these classes. You cannot simply scan the reading materials. We really need to have an understanding, otherwise, we wouldn’t be able to complete the assignments. Also, by having to put our knowledge into play, the lessons stick with me, whereas, cramming for an exam, does not.
Tracy Patterson / MSCI with Elementary Teacher Certification
- Online
Students must have a certified bachelor’s degree.
- Apply online:
- Provide all official transcripts documenting college courses and degrees.
- Provide an updated resume.
- Submit a personal letter of intent stating why you want to be a teacher, what skills you possess that will help you be successful in the program as well as why you chose Concordia for your master's program plus teacher certification.
- An official score report documenting passing scores on all Michigan Test for Teacher Certification (MTTC) for your chosen content area (passing scores must be submitted before the student teaching semester).
- Acceptance into the School of Education
- Maintained a 3.0 GPA
- Successfully completed all required coursework including the culminating student teaching semester
If you have any questions before or during this process, please feel free to reach out to Dr. Sara Clemm von Hohenberg via email ( or phone 734-995-7326.
Anthony David Berthiaume
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (517) 285-7823

- Ph D - K-12 Educational Administration, Michigan State University (2015)
Sara Clemm von Hohenberg
Coordinator - Teacher Certification Program for CUAA, Associate Professor
Office: Krieger K125
Phone: (734) 995-7326
Dr. Sara Clemm von Hohenberg serves as the Coordinator of the Masters of Science in Curriculum and Instruction with Teacher Certification Program. She teaches Teaching and Learning, Human Growth and Development, Differentiated Instruction, Cultural Geography as well as online courses in the Masters program.

- Ph D - Instructional Leadership, Northcentral University (2018)
- MA - Educational Leadership, Oakland University (2005)
- BA - Secondary Education, Western Michigan University (2002)
Research Interests
- Teacher Preparation Candidate Dispositions
- Professional Semester Experiences
Teaching Interests
- Differentiated Instruction
- Teaching and Learning
Sandra J. Harris
Director - SOE Graduate Education, Associate Professor
Phone: (734) 995-7309

- EDD - Educational Leadership, Eastern Michigan University (1997)
- MA - Guidance and Counseling, Eastern Michigan University (1980)
- Business Education, Eastern Michigan University (1974)
- Educational Leadership, Eastern Michigan University (1989)
Research Interests
- Developing ways to keep students interested in the teaching profession.
- Understanding why there are fewer teachers of color
Teaching Interests
- Teacher Preparation Courses
- Cultural and Social Diversity Courses
Lori A. Haven
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (517) 230-0085
I began my career in education as a secondary level Spanish teacher. After serving in a variety of administrator roles at the secondary, elementary and district level, I became the superintendent in a rural community in the greater Lansing area. I am passionate about serving others and giving back to the educational community. I look forward to working with aspiring educational leaders.

- EDD - Educational Leadership, Michigan State University (2016)
- MS - Educational Leadership, University of Cincinnati (2008)
Research Interests
- Improving professional development through networked improvement communities
- Supporting educators to support their learners
Teaching Interests
- Instructional Leadership
- Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment
- Educating the whole child
Stephanie Howay
Adjunct Professor
Our household currently consists of myself, my husband, my daughter, and our two cats (Autumn and Solo)! When I am not teaching, I LOVE to be outside - running, biking, gardening, and just hanging out with my family. I have been working with students pursuing a degree in education since 2016, and it is what God placed me on earth to do!

- EdS - Educational Leadership, Oakland University (2019)
- MA - Reading and Language Arts - K-12, Oakland University (2011)
Lisa Meyers
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (989) 324-0666
I have been serving at Concordia as an adjunct instructor since 2014 in the area of Graduate Education. I also have been serving as Academic Dean at Valley Lutheran High School in Saginaw, MI since 2001 where I also taught math and music for 15 years prior to joining the administration. I live in Saginaw Township with my husband, Dwight, and have 3 step-children (two are military and one works locally) and three wonderful grandchildren.

- EDD - Educational Leadership - Curriculum & Instruction, Central Michigan University (2008)
- MA - Master of Arts in Teaching - Curriculum & Instruction, Saginaw Valley State University (1998)
- Meyers, L. (2016). "Technology: The driver for twenty-first century skills." In Sparapani and Ross-McClain editors (Ed.), Teaching in a Globally-Connected World. Lanham, MD: Hamilton Books.
- Meyers, L. (2005). "Time for a tune-up: Comprehensive curriculum evaluation." Principal Leadership. (6(1) ed.,pp. 27-30).
- Meyers, L. (1997). "Teaching all four R's." Michigan Middle School Journal. (21(2) ed.,pp. 17-19).
Research Interests
- Instructional Strategies
- Professional Learning Communities
- Administration Styles and Strategies
Teaching Interests
- Graduation Education - Curriculum & Instruction
- Graduate Education - Educational Administration
- Teacher Education - Elementary and Secondary
Kristin Morsehead
Adjunct Professor
Kristin currently serves as a Teacher Consultant in the public schools. She has a doctorate in educational administration and has background in K-12 special education, adjunct, administration, and urban education.

- EDD - Educational Administration, Gwynedd Mercy University (2020)
- MA - Special Education L.D., Chestnut Hill College (2006)
Research Interests
- Data to Inform Instruction
- Educational Practices
Teaching Interests
- Special Education
- Assessment and Instruction
- Special Education Law
Aaron Shinn
Ed. Sp.
Adjunct Professor
Thank you for being a part of an outstanding University experience. I have been blessed to be in education for nearly two decades as a teacher and now an administrator. I look forward to working with you all and sharing my knowledge as you move throughout your career.

- EdS - Educational Leadership, Eastern Michigan University (2021)
- MA - K-12 Leadership, Michigan State University (2012)
Teaching Interests
- Educational Leadership
- Curriculum Design
- Data Driven Decision Making
Q: How long does the program take?
A: The coursework will take you about one year to complete. In addition, the required student teaching at the end of the program is a 12-week commitment.
Q: I am already a teacher. Do I have to complete student teaching?
A: Student teaching is a requirement of the Michigan Department of Education. All students must complete student teaching as a requirement of the program.
Q: Can I teach while taking courses in this program?
A: Yes! You can accept a full-time teaching job while you are enrolled in courses in our program. We can even help you find a job with one of our partner schools.
Q: Are there scholarships?
A: Yes! Concordia offers a scholarship for any student working in one of our partner schools through our Academic Community Scholarship. Alumni and veteran scholarships are also available.
The state of Michigan offers the MI Future Educator Fellowship and Concordia University is a participating partner. This scholarship offers up to $10,000 for people looking to earn their initial teaching certification.
Q: Do you accept transfer credits?
A: Yes! Master credits from other education programs can be accepted towards credit in this program.
Q: What is the format for courses?
A: Courses are completely asynchronous which means you won't have to log in at specific times or work on projects with other students. Courses start on each Monday and you have until Thursday to read the assigned materials and answer discussion questions. Weekly assignments are due on each Sunday. Each course is 8 weeks long and follows the same course format.
Q: How do the clinical experiences work?
A: Clinical experiences are spread out over the length of the program so you can continuously see teaching and learning strategies applied in classrooms by certified educators. You will complete a minimum of 15 hours of clinical experience for each course you take, excluding summer courses. If you are currently teaching full-time, you can use your current classroom hours for your clinical experiences.
Q: How is the Concordia teacher certification program different to other similar programs?
A: Our program is led by dedicated faculty that are current teachers and truly care about your success. Your emails are answered promptly and directly by your professors, the program director, and support staff. We have a job placement rate above 95% for eligible graduates. We will teach you the pedagogy you need to succeed as a teacher. Assignments will focus on giving you practical applications to utilize in your own classroom.